Friday 1 October 2010

Blog Two - Target Audience

We have been studying the teen horror Jenifers body and the target audience it attracts, and its audience ratings. I found that 4,141 females voted, however a massive 19,044 males voted making it obvious that males are more interested in the film. The chart below represents the audiences voting report.

The age group that watched Jenifers body and gave their opinions were vastly aged between 18-29 years olds, this is useful and insightful infomation to keep in mind when I write my teen horror script.
The cheerleader figure and sexual references capture the teen audience which I can keep in mind when I write my script I could convey simular details and ideas in my plot.

We also studied and researched another teen horror film 'Sorority Row' which we discoverd attracted a simular audience,with 5,662 males voting, and 1,112 females voting, making it clear that again the teen horror genre of this film was more popular with males. As this chart proves.

The age group inwhich this film was most popularly attracing was again aged between 18-29 making it obvious that this is the key audience I need to attract when I am writting my script.

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